
Morocco: A New Era of Call Centers

Call-Center-PlateauHassan, a young Moroccan graduate from the faculty of Arts and Humanities at Hassan II University in Mohamadia, like many other young Moroccans, has taken refuge in a bilingual call center for a couple of reasons.

“First, I want to practice my communication skills and also work in a prestigious call center,” he said. Hassan works for an Airline Company call center, his task at the center consists of receiving calls from passengers who are inquiring about tickets and flights. “My first task was as a receptionist, I receive all inbound calls, I answer all inquiries from a database about flights, I make reservations and I also process clients’ payments,” he added.

Apart from working for 45 hours per week, Hassan described the difficulties he encounters on his daily routine as follows: “as a beginner, the four-weeks training we had wasn’t enough to fully comprehend all the intricacies of the job. The other problem, which many of us in the center suffer from, is the huge number of incoming calls that we have to process everyday.” When asked about the source of the answers he provides clients with, he said: “all the answers are available on the system.” Furthermore, when asked if he considers his task to be repetitive, he answered with a big “Yes.”

With the sky rocking advances in technology, IBM has succeeded in creating Watson. Equipped with a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence, Watson was able to beat two of the world’s best “Jeopardy” players. Jeopardy is a television show that features quiz competitions. Watson has the ability to memorize 200 million pages of information and to fully understand queries in natural language as well as answer them.


Morocco: A New Era of Call Centers



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