
New push for biotechnology industry in upcoming Dubai forum


Dubai: UAE pharmaceutical company Julphar said it will hold a biotechnology forum on December 9 in Dubai with the aim of laying down foundations for a world-class biotechnology industry in the region. The one-day forum will discuss the importance of biotechnology for the region as well as emerging opportunities and challenges. It will bring together industry experts, investors, policy makers and regulators to discuss the financial and regulatory factors needed for the endeavour.

Pharmaceutical expert Dr Ayman Sahli said “an advanced biotechnology industry will help countries provide better health care services to their citizens.” “Biotechnology is a strategic pharmaceutical domain that Julphar has already tapped into by establishing a state of the art biotechnology plant to produce insulin locally, making UAE the first and only country in the region that produces the raw material used for making insulin,” Dr Sahli added.

Financial Times Live, the global conferences and events arm of FT, is coorganising the event.

Andrew Jack, FT’s pharmaceuticals correspondent and forum chair, said: “Overcoming challenges and unleashing the full potential of biotechnology will boost the initiatives of the local governments to diversify their economies away from dependence on natural resources and reduce health care spending.

The United Nations defines biotechnology as any technological application that uses biological systems to make products or processes for specific uses.

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New push for biotechnology industry in upcoming Dubai forum



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