
Beach Volleyball in the Afghan Capital


A Beach Volleyball Tournament began in Kabul on Saturday, and by the end of it the top performing players are expected to fill four open spots on the Afghan National Beach Volleyball Team.

Eighteen teams from the capital and 15 from the provinces are participating in the five-day event that was organized by the National Olympic Committee.

The competition, this year only being the third time it has been held, includes teams representing provinces from across the country. On the first day, a team from Kabul defeated Faryab 2 sets to 1 and Baghlan beat balk Balkh by the same score line.

“The competition is aiming to select the four top talents for the National Beach Volleyball Team and we will begin training them for foreign competitions” said Arif Payman, Deputy Head of the Kabul Volleyball Federation.

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Beach Volleyball in the Afghan Capital



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