
Women in Kuwait urged to undergo breast check-up


DeNeece Gurney Tueller, the wife of US Ambassador to Kuwait, is urging women in Kuwait to undergo breast check-ups especially if they are aged 40 and above. The reason for her appeal is clear and simple. She does not want anyone to experience what she’s been through.

“I had stage 4 breast cancer. We have the gene in the family. I found a lump in my breast – it was a bit hard, so I went for a biopsy and it was positive: I had the cancer. Both my breasts was removed. It was difficult struggle,” Tueller noted as she shared her experience between sobs.

“I fought for a year and half. I went through physical therapy, then chemotherapy – six months of chemo and four months of radiation therapy. It was a difficult struggle because my husband at that time was in Egypt with my youngest son. I was alone then in the US, but thank God my neighbors helped me a lot. It was the most difficult situation I have ever encountered. I don’t know what I could’ve ever done without my neighbors and friends who’ve been helping me. I completed the treatment four years back. But I have experienced many problems since then – I had bowel and urinary problems. The doctor told me if cancer comes back in other parts of my body, probably there is no more cure. So I am telling you, especially women – you’ve got to have a mammogram. It is very important for you all to detect it early so you’ll do not have to experience what I have gone through. At least do this every year,” she said.

See original article –

Women in Kuwait urged to undergo breast check-up



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