
Beirut Art Week 2015: An “Outside the Walls” artistic Journey

Photo - Opening of BEIRUT ART WEEK

The opening of the 3rd edition of Beirut Art Week was held yesterday in front of Le Gray Hotel as a first stop, under the patronage and in the presence of H.E the Minister of Culture Mr. Raymond Araiji, the Founder and Director of Beirut Art Fair, Mrs. Laure d’Hauteville, the organizing members of the fair – Pascal Odille, Marine Bougaran, Rania Tabbara, and Rania Halawi – and representatives of sponsors, partner institutions, galleries and the media.

Mr. Raymond Araiji, the Minister of Culture, considered Beirut Art Week as “an artistic phenomenon that highlights the aspirations of Beirut as the capital of a cultural incubator for Art”.

In its 3rd edition, Beirut Art Week is a week of art in the city of Beirut, organized within the Beirut Art Fair program. The concept of Beirut Art Week is to present an itinerary “outside the walls” showcasing monumental sculptures and installations in symbolic landmarks such as Martyr’s Square, Beirut Souks, Zaitunay Bay, Saifi Village and Harbour Square, and in the streets, boutiques and venues of Beirut Central District such as Elie Saab, Aishti, Joseph, Air France, Vertu, Officine Panerai, Hermès, TOD’s and Marina Rinaldi.

According to Marine Bougaran, Project Manager: “Beirut Art Week is an opportunity to show monumental artworks and how they are integrated within the city; it is also a chance for the people to discover Contemporary Art. Public spaces and luxury boutiques are transformed into artistic expression.”

The itinerary reveals 24 masterpieces by 23 artists including: Safaa Al Set (Syria), Mojé Assefjiah (Iraq), Ahmed Bahrani (Iraq), Alfred Basbous (Lebanon), Anachar Basbous (Lebanon), Rafael Barrios (USA), Romero Britto (Brazil), Saloua Raouda Choucair (Lebanon), Xavier Corbero (Spain), Louis Debré (France), Hania Farrell (United Kingdom), Kameel Hawa (Saudi Arabia), Nabil Helou (Lebanon), Issa Kazah (Syria), Julio Le Parc (Argentina), Lluis Lleo (Spain), Emile Mezher (Lebanon), Nayla Romanos Iliya (Lebanon), Marc Quinn (United Kingdom), Arne Quinze (Belgium), Pablo Reinoso (Argentina), Memorial Gebran Tueni (Lebanon) and Seo Young-Deok (Korea).

This exhibition “outside the walls” is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Tourism, Beirut Municipality and Solidere.

Beirut Art Week will run until Tuesday, September 22, 2015.



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