
Dubai-based architect wins award to design city in the sea


Dubai-based Simon Nummy has won top prize in an international architectural design contest for his vision of a floating city.

The organisation behind the prize, the Seasteading Institute, is a non-profit think-tank which is working to provide an opportunity for experimenting with new societies, with a focus on floating cities which “will allow the next generation of pioneers to peacefully test new ideas for how to live together”.

Nummy, who is employed by Atkins, worked on the project in his own time. He said his design aims to create a fully sustainable and self-sufficient community which is resilient against all kinds of “storms” – be they political, social, economic, physiological or psychological.

His city includes residential, industrial, commercial and community zones on special floating platforms which act to dampen wave movement, while also helping enrich the waters around it.

Original article by Nick Ames

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Dubai-based architect wins award to design city in the sea



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