
An ecommerce startup reducing returns in the region


If there’s one industry worth taking a chance on in the region, it’s ecommerce.

Arguably still in its infancy in MENA, the market has huge potential as more citizens throughout the region become connected.

Like any industry that’s finding its feet they’re going to find their fair share of challenges, and one regional fashion startup is hoping to reduce a major obstacle by revolutionizing the way we shop.

Launched in May, Miella is not only tapping into the increasingly popular halal market – modest fashion for women – it’s also the first platform to adopt sophisticated technology to ensure consumers are picking the correct size items.

“Ecommerce has allowed us to build a footprint at a fraction of what would have been possible 10 years ago,” Dubai-based founder, Rami El Malak (below) tells Wamda. “Of course, ecommerce poses it own challenges, so we were cognizant of the importance of getting sizing right in order to contain returns and exchanges.”

Reducing returns

According to data presented at the recent ArabNet Digital Summit, ecommerce will be worth $40 billion by the end of 2015.

While region-specific figures are not available, most research agrees that MENA consists of a growing number of online buyers, thanks to 60 percent of consumers being under the age of 25.

However, returns are the biggest drain of profit margins, particularly in the apparel space, due to the possibility of incorrect sizing. At present, it is estimated that return rates in the region vary between 20 to 40 percent.

In an attempt to remedy this, Miella has become the first MENA ecommerce platform to adopt Virtusize, a fitting solution that guarantees online customers find the right size every time they shop.


Original article by Rachel McArthur

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An ecommerce startup reducing returns in the region



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