
Inside world’s largest covered butterfly garden


Clark, 5, is an epitome of patience as he sits on a gazebo bench at the Dubai Butterfly Garden. “He can’t seem to get enough of that butterfly perched on his forehead,” said his mother, biding time in the picturesque enclosure for over 30 minutes.

“Where in the world can you possibly interact with so many of these beauties in such air-conditioned comfort?” asked the Briton.

It’s a scorching July afternoon and the outside temperature is 47 degrees Celsius. But inside here in the world’s largest covered butterfly garden, it’s a cool 24 degrees. Little wonder then that the recently opened park is one of the most happening attractions in the UAE this summer.

Better and bigger

“We’ve been to butterfly parks in the US. But this is much better and bigger. There is a huge collection of butterflies out here,” said American tourist Mohammed Amir who was visiting the park with Joanna.

“It is just beautiful,” said Briton Ewelina as her three children Jessica, Zak and Nicola interacted with the butterflies.

Abdel Naser Y. Rahhal, managing director of AKAR Landscaping Services which runs the garden along with the neighbouring Miracle Garden, said the park houses around 15,000 butterflies and pupa of 24 varieties at any given time.

Original article by Sharmila Dhal

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Inside world’s largest covered butterfly garden



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