
Raya Abu Gulal: a Lawyer Driven by Values


Raya Abu Gulal is a prime example of how young women are taking the initiative to develop supportive networks and businesses that meet the needs of women.  Having been raised in the Netherlands and England, Abu Gulal runs a legal consultancy that specializing in the Middle East where her practice covers from corporate and commercial work for local and international clients.  She also co-founded the Women Lawyers Group in the Middle East.  We got a chance to speak with her.

Elan:  Can you tell us a bit about your professional background?

Raya Abu Gulal:  I am currently running my own legal consultancy providing legal advice specializing in the Middle East.  My practice covers a broad range of corporate and commercial work. Prior to joining to setting my legal consultancy, I worked in the Abu Dhabi offices of two leading International Law Firms and specialized in corporate and commercial work for local and international clients.

I am active in various women development initiatives in the MENA region, and co- founded the Women Lawyers Group Middle East. I am also appointed as the committee member of the International Women Business Group (Abu Dhabi).

Elan:  You’re Co-founder of the Women Lawyer Group in the Middle East, tell us about it.

RA:  We have lack of network support groups for women in the Middle East and specifically for women lawyers.  The Women Lawyers Group is an important group and needed for our region. The Group will provide seminars, workshops, social networking opportunities, hosting of functions and events all of which are relevant to the legal profession as well as career development opportunities. There is also an academic and legal research aspect to the nature of WLGME’s mandate through partnerships with prestigious academic institutions and law firms to carry out further studies on developments in the region which impact female lawyers.

Elan:  You’re also very involved with promoting women in business.  Why is that critical moving forward?

RA:  To build a viable economy we need women participation in business. We have exceptionally talented women in the Middle East that require support and guidance with promoting their businesses.

Elan:  What has been you’re greatest challenge in your career?  And what did you learn from it? 

RA:  The greatest challenge I’ve faced in my career to date has been in moving from a secured job to setting up my own consultancy. As a business owner I had to come up with a business plan and make sure that the business meets clients’ needs. In addition to that, I had to manage a small team, taking care of the finances and meeting the regulatory requirements. I have learnt to overcome my biggest weaknesses while using my greatest strength under one of the most challenging times of my life.

Elan:  What advice would you like to give to young professionals thinking about entering into the legal world?

RA:  Young professionals should develop their communications, people skills and to believe in themselves.  Also, they should accept criticism from experienced colleagues which can be healthy for developing their skills and knowledge.

Follow Raya on Twitter:  @Raya_AG




  1. We have dealt and still are dealing with Raya who is such a professional and inspiring business woman makes us proud of our females in the Middle East. Who not only want to be personally successful but also encourage others to do so.

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