
New e-learning website Creative Ummah launched

&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-141119805Interested in an online course on calligraphy by the celebrated Tunisian artist El Seed? How about learning creative writing from the award-winning American novelist G Willow Wilson?

These are just a few of the options available from the new e-learning website Creative Ummah.

Launched last week in Dubai as part of MOCAfest (an arts festival held each year alongside the World Islamic Economic Forum), Creative Ummah aims to connect knowledge seekers with some of the leading arts, culture and business personalities from the Muslim world through affordable online courses.

Connecting People

The idea for the project came from Creative Ummah’s co-founder and full-time ­designer Peter Gould who was ­inspired by his extensive business travels.

Since converting to Islam more than a decade ago, the Aussie has frequently visited the Arab world and worked with Muslim communities in the West. Through these interactions, he came to realise the vast untapped potential of creative Muslim talent.

“It really came about organically and it really took a journey around the world,” he says. “Wherever I went, I was observing these creative and energetic people doing artistic things with passion. The more I saw this, I realised how great it would be to connect us all ­together as opposed to us ­working in our own separate pockets.”

Original article by Saeed Saeed

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New e-learning website Creative Ummah launched



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