
Humeid Abdullah is the UAE’s hope for Arab Idol

&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-140929586He watched as the hopes of four fellow contestants were shattered when the four judges told each of them they were not good enough to qualify for the final stages of the competition – the live episodes that begin this weekend and will be broadcast on Friday and Saturday.

But Abdullah, who lives in Fujairah, took it in his stride and calmed his nerves the only way he knows – by plastering a big grin on his face.

The Egyptian producer Hassan El Shafei, normally such a stern judge, said he had been impressed by ­Abdullah’s positivity throughout the audition process.

“I like the smile on his face – so confident,” he said, before the Emirati judge Ahlam proudly told Abdullah that he had made the cut.

Since then, the smile has never left Abdullah’s face. He is the only Emirati who made it through to the final stages and, as well as the fans he has already accumulated throughout the UAE, he says he is particularly touched by the compliments he has received from his home emirate.

“Of course, all Emirati people are proud of me, especially in Fujairah,” he says. “I am getting positive feedback from my family and friends. And I am receiving lots of messages and calls to congratulate me.”

Abdullah’s vocal talent emerged during his early days at school. He remembers singing with friends and family popular tunes by Emirati luminaries such as Hussain Al Jassmi, Mehad Hamad and Ahlam.

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Humeid Abdullah is the UAE’s hope for Arab Idol



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