
How Lebanese 3D-mapping pioneer Louay Eldada shares his success with the MENA


Leaving behind his Beirut childhood, Louay Eldada went off to New York City to attend Columbia University. The PhD he earned there is in Optical Engineering, but despite his Ivy League advanced degree he believes that “education is not worth much unless you generate value for shareholders and contribute to society.” Serving as an executive at leading US firms including Honeywell, Corning, Telephotonics, DuPont, HelioVolt, and SunEdison, he did just that.

Eldada used what he learned from his life as an executive, especially from Honeywell CEO Larry Bossidy and General Electric CEO Jack Welsh, to start four of his own companies: two in fiber optics in the telecommunications sector, one in solar energy, and, most recently, one in laser sensing. He sold the first three ventures to Fortune 50 companies. How did he accomplish all of that? On a personal level, by being “humble, ready to listen and learn” in addition to a “no-entitlement attitude,” says the engineer. On the business side, he believes that the secret is in “hiring a team with the right combination of aptitude and attitude to move fast and get good customer feedback rapidly.”

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How Lebanese 3D-mapping pioneer Louay Eldada shares his success with the MENA



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