
Natural to cultural: New wonders in Unesco’s world heritage list

48bb8ec7-142d-49ec-ae55-b74e7ab84040HiResThe Unesco World Heritage Committee’s 38th session started on June 15 and went on till June 25, in Qatar. And when it ended, the world got 26 new additions on the World Heritage List, including two from India — Rani-Ki-Vav from Gujarat, and The Great Himalayan National Park from Himachal Pradesh. Now, find out why the committee chose to inscribe some of these sites. (Text: Sneha Mahale)

Jeddah, the Gate to Makkah (Saudi Arabia): From the 7th century AD it was established as a major port for Indian Ocean trade routes, channelling goods to Mecca. It was also the gateway to Mecca for Muslim pilgrims, who arrived by sea.

Erbil Citadel (Iraq): It is a fortified settlement on the top of a ‘tell’ — a hill that was created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot. A continuous wall of 19th century facades conveys the visual impression of an impregnable fortress.


Natural to cultural: New wonders in Unesco’s world heritage list



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