
New Dubai residents set up fridges to help needy


Two expatriates living in Emirates Living have placed refrigerators outside their homes to provide foodstuffs to poor workers this Ramadan.

Dutch expat Fikra Boukoua Yel living in Meadows has been keeping foodstuffs outside her house for the last two years, but this year, she is asking other residents to donate food, water or juices.

“Most of these workers make a pittance and find it too expensive to buy foodstuffs from the groceries in the area. We would like to help these poor souls and it would be nice if other members of the community could contribute,” Yel said.

Following Yel’s initiative, another Springs resident, Rahul Sharma, has also decided to keep a refrigerator outside his villa.

“It’s a great initiative. While this is the first time I’ve done it, going forward, it will be a permanent feature. I will be keeping the fridge throughout the year for anyone to drop off food items.”

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New Dubai residents set up fridges to help needy



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