
Egypt’s new media startups are multiplying – but is the trend sustainable?


Since Egypt’s 2011 revolution unleashed exponential growth in social media engagement and internet penetration rates, an increasing number of entrepreneurs have taken on the challenge of launching and fostering media ventures in Egypt.

Yet spearheading a media venture in Egypt remains a Quixotic feat for entrepreneurs: regional investors are skittish about media and are only now beginning to pay attention to this emerging frontier.

“Regional media giants are now considering investing in content startups, which was not happening three to four years ago,” says Fady Ramzy, a country manager for Interact Egypt, a digital content distributor working with telecoms and other companies.

A range of new digital media startups and incubators is tapping this growing interest in online content, emerging social media channels, and online advertising, as well as innovative ways of consuming and delivering new, niche content.

Garaad, for instance, a media incubator focused on fostering creative teams and jumpstarting alternative media projects, launched in April 2014.

“The raw talent is here; since 2011 Egypt is becoming fertile soil for expressing things differently,” said Moustafa Zakaria, founder and managing director of Garaad, of his decision to base the incubator in Cairo. “People are exploring new ways of expressing themselves.”

Most media startups in Egypt and in the region are still at the stage of experimentation as traditional media, corporate sponsors, and advertising are still grappling with digital innovation, new channels, and a growing audience.

See the article here:

Egypt’s new media startups are multiplying – but is the trend sustainable?



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