
Archaeologists plan to reconstruct ancient society of Burnt City in Iran


An archaeological team, which will be led by Seyyed Mansur Sajjadi, plans to reconstruct the ancient society of the 5200-year-old Burnt City during the new excavation season at the site located in southeastern Iran.

“Following 22 excavation seasons previously conducted at the Burnt City [by by Iranian teams] and nine other excavation seasons that Italian archaeological teams carried out carefully and comprehensively, our team, as the inheritor of all the valuable data from excavations by the Italian teams, must conduct this new season of excavation with great care and precision,” Sajjadi told the Persian service of CHN on Monday.

The anthropological studies in the Burnt City have been highly regarded since 1997, when the first Iranian team began an excavation season at the site, he added.

“In addition, paleopathologic studies (the study of ancient diseases), which had never before been done by any Iranian team, began at the site,” he added.

He said that interdisciplinary teams, including medical experts, will accompany the archaeologists during the excavation, which will begin in October.

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Archaeologists plan to reconstruct ancient society of Burnt City in Iran



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