
Ladies first: This small Kurdish village in Iraq just created the country’s first women-only council


A small village in Dohuk province has decided to create a women’s council. The council members say it’s a first for Iraq and the villagers in Barchi hope it could become an example that will support women’s rights around the country. However, as the feminist council’s critics say, the effort will face a lot of challenges.

In the 420-family village of Barchi, around 75 kilometres away from the northern Iraqi city of Dohuk, the locals have decided to form a “women’s council”.

In early May, ten women were chosen by other women in the village when they all met in the village hall.

“We are going to help local women get the many services they need,” explains Salwan Mohammed, who at 68 is the eldest member of the council. “And we will make sure their voices are heard. This is possible because of the many people who support the council.”

The mayor himself played a role in the forming of the women’s council. “There are so many problems that the men of this village cannot deal with alone,” the mayor, Lazkin Mohammed, explained. “That was the main reason behind the formation of the council.”

Original article:

Ladies first: This small Kurdish village in Iraq just created the country’s first women-only council



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