
Ceramicist shows off locally sourced jewelry


Ceramicist and professor Amal Muraywed has brought the idea of designer jewelry back down to earth this month, in her first solo jewelry exhibition featuring bangles, broaches and necklaces made from clay and glass.

“You don’t need diamonds,” she said, guiding The Daily Star through her show at the quaint Dehab Gallery, off Pasteur Street in Gemmayzeh.

“We need to use what we have … The value is from the design.”

Muraywed, a longtime instructor at the American University of Beirut, is better known for her sculpture and functional ceramic work, which is often displayed in the city’s galleries and annual art fairs. Accordingly, her jewelry show, titled “Em Brace Let,” reflects decades of research into the ceramic arts, melding together ancient materials and techniques like bronze, glass-making and faience.

Similar in mindset to the movement calling for locally sourced food, Muraywed’s design philosophy builds artistic and technically complicated jewelry from local, sustainable resources.

“Even when I went to Paris for my [master’s], I worked with earthenware because the practical way is to take care with what you have, not to keep importing and importing.”



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