Going Green

VIDEO: The beauty of Qatar’s mangroves, and the trash ruining it

A  short film  produced by a long-time Qatar resident aims to highlight the beauty of the mangrove swamps in the northern part of the country – and the ugliness of the trash people leave behind after visiting the site.

Qatar is home to eight mangrove sites, and all are protected by a 2006 Emiri decree.

The plants play a vital role in helping to reduce climate change because they absorb up to 50 times more carbon than a similar area of tropical forest. They also offer a safe breeding place for many varieties of fish.

Peter, the producer of the video, told Doha News that he made this film to encourage people to treat the area with respect:

“I had never been to the mangroves before. I went up there just to shoot something that I hoped would be picturesque. I was really shocked to see all those truck tyres lying in amongst the mangroves and all the plastic bags hanging off the branches. At that point I decided to use sweeping shots of the wildlife and landscape set to classical music to give a sense of the beauty of the location – then to use the same technique to show the ugly side of what’s happening there.”

See the article here:

VIDEO: The beauty of Qatar’s mangroves, and the trash ruining it



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