
Dubai-based entrepreneur tells how Spirit of Arabia takes online shopping to a whole new dimension

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If the technology entrepreneur Arshed Mohammed has his way, our shopping habits may soon drastically change. On February 9, he unveiled a demo version of his 3-D virtual concept store called Spirit of Arabia. It’s the cyber version of the actual store he opened in Dubai’s Sunset Mall in 2011, which has since closed.

The new application enables customers to browse the rails of the computerised clothes shop by creating their own lifelike avatar. Much as a person would on a normal trip to a mega mall, the avatars can chat to the shop assistant and try on pieces in the changing room. Decision made, purchases are then added to the virtual shopping cart.

Picture perfect

Mohammed’s 3-D store is still in its embryonic stages and, unlike the original boutique, it doesn’t yet have real stock for people to buy. It’s in the pipeline, alongside plenty of other features. Capitalising on the current trend for selfies, customers will soon have the opportunity to take pictures of their avatars and their surroundings. The Photo Op feature then allows the snaps to be uploaded to social networks. Mohammed is also developing the software to allow customers to put their own faces on the avatars.

Read this article:

Dubai-based entrepreneur tells how Spirit of Arabia takes online shopping to a whole new dimension



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