
4 innovation game changers from AtlanticLIVE’s Abu Dhabi summit

Whatsnext_LargeAtlanticLIVE, the events arm of Atlantic Media, was convinced in Abu Dhabi being the host of their first international summit What’s Next Navigating Global Challenges with Innovation Generation held in the Emirati capital last week. “We feel that Abu Dhabi is day after day becoming a destination for most economies and industries, both local and international,” Logan Elsass, co-founder of AtlanticLIVE, told Wamda. “It is a great spot to found a company or launch a business.”

After already hosting over 200 events throughout the US, talking about innovation throughout healthcare, technology, education, and other fields, this first foray into foreign lands proved to be a success. For this summit Elsass saw the aim as shedding light on the most significant game changers in transcontinental innovation, and to emphasize the “innovation generation” concept.

Hosting speakers from over 25 countries, from the fields of education, media, technology, commerce, as well as experienced corporations and startups. Elsass was keen to point out that “there is no specific generation that innovates, but rather a mentality that surpasses age and educational background.” She added: “Many think that innovation is reserved for young people and students. In fact we find people like Fady Ghandour, founder of Aramex, are just as innovative.” Everyone agreed on the importance of seeking change, steering away from old models, and stepping into the unknown – all rules when entering the innovation game.

And what are the game changers? Elsass believes that they vary from one field to another; with probably the most important of them “being ten steps ahead of everyone else in order to be unique.”

Original article by Pamela Kesrouani

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4 innovation game changers from AtlanticLIVE’s Abu Dhabi summit



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