
12 tips for young entrepreneurs from an Egyptian startup founder


Amira Azzouz is the founder and editor-in-chief of, a fashion portal for the Middle East in both Arabic and English, which launched three years ago in 2010. Recently she’s struggled with a content scraping scandal, after discovering that at least four major sites in Egypt had stolen her team’s content. Below, she shares some of the lessons she’s learned over the years about maintaining a balanced, healthy, and successful life as an entrepreneur.

As a young female entrepreneur I’ve learned so much over the past four years, lessons much more practical than what I learned in college. I’m not saying I know it all now, but I definitely have a good share of experience (though I’m sure there are still more hard lessons to come!). Having said that, I think it’s important to share these important tips with female entrepreneurs in our region, to help them maintain a healthy life. So here they are:

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12 tips for young entrepreneurs from an Egyptian startup founder



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